Entry fee to main competition is $150 per team (4 persons max) and includes entry into chicken (thigh - bone in skin on), ribs (St Louis Style), and brisket categories. PLEASE NOTE**** there are 2 grill classes and will be judged separately.
Each team must choose a grill class to compete in (Traditional smoker/Stick burner or Electric/pellet). Whatever class you choose to compete in must be the only pit in your team’s area. Example: If you choose to compete in the Traditional smoker/stick burner class you cannot have an electric/pellet grill in your area and vice versa.
Side pot entry fee will be $25 EACH and categories include Best Beans, One Bite Challenge (no sweets), Chefs Choice (meat only), dessert from the pit, and mixed drink. Side pots will pay 50% to the winner and 50% to the Lions Club. PLEASE NOTE*** All side pots are judged together and NOT in separate grill classes.
Beans must be made from a dry bag of beans or bean mix. No presoaking. Beans must be in a bag. If your cooking area has beans soaking you will be disqualified from turning in for this entry.
“One Bite Challenge” will consist of any food item prepared during the event. Must turn in 7 individual one bite portions and may be accompanied with one chip or cracker if desired. No sweets. Nothing prepared prior to inspection.
Desserts must be cooked onsite. Dessert must be prepared from scratch with at least 5 individually purchased ingredients. No canned pie fillings please. The use of ovens or microwaves is prohibited. They may have sauces or toppings, but they too must be prepared onsite. Place enough dessert in the box for each judge (7) to have one bite.
Mixed Drinks must not contain more than Seven (7) ingredients, including fruit juices, syrups, drops or dashes. 4 ounces will need to be provided in the clear cups provided.
Each team will select a “Team Captain” who will be in charge of the actions of the entire team and will be required to remain on premises the entire duration of the competition. Team Captains will report for a MANDATORY cooks meeting at 12pm on Saturday October 26th near the outdoor pavilion. Entire teams are not required at the meeting but may attend also if desired.
All meat must be in original packaging or store containers when inspected. Pits MUST NOT be started until your area has been inspected. The inspector will be checking pit temperatures.
All food must be prepared on site DURING THE COMPETETION (no prep work or marinating) and must be made over an open flame or conventional wood smoker or electric/pellet grill depending on the class you choose to compete in.
Pellet and electric grills will be judged separately.
Homemade seasoning may be prepared prior to competition but are NOT allowed to be put on meat before the head judge has checked off your unaltered meats. If meat has seasoning on it at the time of inspection your team will be removed from the event and disqualified. No refunds of entries will be given.
Teams will be given “Turn in Containers” with a double ticket taped to the lid for each category they enter. Entries must be returned in the supplied container for each item and one side of the double ticket is to remain taped to the container lid while the other side is to be removed and kept by the team for identification purposes.
Teams do not have to turn in meats in every category to be judged. Teams that turn in eligible meat in each category will be judged for that category and not penalized if they do not turn in any meats for the remaining categories or side pots. Eligible qualifying meats will consist of 7 slices of brisket for the brisket category, 7 chicken thighs for the chicken category, and 7 individually cut St. Louis Style Ribs for the rib category. Ribs must be placed in the container parallel to the container hinge. Any variation of these will result in that portion of meat to be disqualified.
Side pot entries will consist of 7 samples. Scores from side pots are not taken into consideration towards overall score.
You may turn in your entry 5 minutes before the required time and will be given a 5-minute grace period after the turn in time. Any entries received after this time will be disqualified.
Contestants will be allowed to bring campers and stay the night on the fairgrounds. We do not provide camper hook-up. All campers will be required to be self-contained, and all waste must be removed from the Lions Club facilities. If you choose to reserve your “spot” there is a $50 nonrefundable fee for the area with electric outlet along yellow pipe fence and to reserve other spots in the area is $25 nonrefundable fee.
Chef’s Choice – Saturday night 6pm
Desserts from the Pit – 7pm
Mixed Drink – 8pm
One Bite Challenge – Sunday 10am
Stick Burner /Wood
Best Beans – Sunday 11am
Chicken – Sunday 12pm
Ribs - Sunday 1pm
Brisket – Sunday 2pm
Pellet/Electric Turn in time
Chicken – Sunday 11:30 am
Ribs - Sunday 12:30 pm
Brisket – Sunday 1:30 pm
AWARDS – Sunday 3pm
You can have your camper in the same space as your pit.
You will be parking in a gravel parking lot type space, bring any type of shade you will want.
You can stay the night Sunday after the event is over.
We do not have RV Hook-Ups your camper must be self-contained.
You can bring your camper or bbq pit on Friday between 6pm and 9pm (gates locked at 9pm) or Saturday morning after 9 am.