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The Riesel Lions Club, Members of the Riesel Lions Club, and any other associated parties of the Lions Club are not responsible for any accidents or unlawful actions committed or as a result of this contest.  Hunting is a dangerous sport and all safety measures should be taken to prevent any accidents or injuries.



This is a 24 hour contest

This contest will be a 24 hour contest (10AM Saturday to 10AM Sunday) unless the date falls on a daylight savings time change weekend. We do not provide the land to hunt. It is up to the participants to obtain the land owner's permission to hunt the land in which they will be hunting.


2025 SEASON!!!!!!!

We will have a points series consisting of three hunts.  The hunt dates will be as follows...

January 25-26

February 22-23

March 22-23

Total weights turned in from  each of the three hunts will be combined to give teams season weight total.  The team with the highest season weight total will be the 2025 season points champions and will receive a set of 4 custom made belt buckle drinking cups. If there is a tie for points, the team who turned in the most total animals from all three hunts will be awarded the buckle cups.

Hunting time begins at 10:00 AM on the Saturday of the contest. Weigh-in's will be the following Sunday at 10:00 AM SHARP at the Riesel Lions Club Fairgrounds located at 1270 East Frederick Riesel, TX 76682.

Entry fee to enter the main pot  is $150 per team to main pot with a $25 entry fee per side pot per team.

If you have pre-registered by mail, and you have confirmation that we have received your entry fee, your team may begin hunting at 10:00 AM on Saturday. If you registered in-person at the Riesel Lions Club Fairgrounds,  you will not receive confirmation.

Failure to check in with judges on Sunday by 10:00 AM SHARP at the Riesel Lions Club Fairgrounds with your ENTIRE team will result in disqualification of your team.  The only exception for any missing team member will be if the team entered another hunt somewhere else and placed in that hunt and one team member must stay late to take a lie detector test.


Mail-in entries are welcome, but must be received by the Thursday prior to contest. You will receive a conformation phone call or text message letting you know that your entry fee has been received and that your team is entered into the competition.  If you do not receive a conformation, it means that we  did not receive your entry fee and you will not be entered into the competition.   If you have any questions regarding your mail in entry please contact us at (254)498-2020.            

Mail-in entry fee must be made by Money Order or Cashiers Check and mailed to:

The Riesel Lions Club

P.O. Box 10
Riesel, Tx. 76682

No personal checks, please!!

General Rules:
1. Must follow all County, State, and Federal hunting laws! (This includes having proper hunting license.  A Trapper’s license is NOT required to hunt.)
2. 4 members maximum per team
3. All team members must be present at weigh-in on Sunday to claim prize money.  The only exception to this rule will be if the team has entered another hunt elsewhere and a team member was required to stay back to take a lie detector test.  In that case, the remaining team members are still required to be present no later than 1pm for weigh-in and they must call or text the head judge at (254)498-2020 to inform him that one team member is having to stay late at another hunt for the test.
4. All team members must stay together at all times while hunting. No splitting up while hunting!!! You may use ATV's or horses, but you must stay in a group.
5. All animals must be killed within this 24 hour hunting contest!
6. All animals must be called. They must commit to a lip squeak, or call before you shoot.  You may hunt around an established dead pit, but animals must be called.  No trapped, snared, caged-raised, or frozen animals will be allowed!
7. No baiting, trapping or pooling of animals between teams!!! Your team members must kill the animals you turn in.
8. No hunting in baited areas!
9. Trolling is legal! (Driving around while playing caller)
10. No use of Aircraft (no aerial hunting) or dogs.  Teams may use a dog to help find a wounded animal, but not to hunt.
11. The use of spotlights and green or red varmint lights are ok as well as the use of night vision or thermal scopes.
13. ALL Team members may be subject to, and must be able to take a Polygraph Test on Sunday before any award money will be given out.  


15. $150 entry fee to main pot.  $25 entry fee for each side pot entered

16.  Main pot winners will be determined by a heavies stringer.  Heaviest stringer total weight of 1 bobcat, 1 coyote, 1 GREY fox, 1 coon

17. Payouts 1st through 3rd Place as long as we have at least 12 teams entered.  If 11 teams or less payouts will be 60% to 1st place and 40% to second place. 

18.  Side pots are most animals killed and pays out 1 place per category. Most bobcats, most coyotes, most fox, most coons.

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the rules, please view our Rules FAQ.

For more information contact:
Daniel Stewart (254)498-2020


Phone: (254)498-2020

1270 E Frederick St
Riesel, TX 76682

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